
Who Is Chance The Rapper’s Wife? Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity

Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity

Chance the Rapper’s real name is Chancelor Bennett. He’s a famous American rapper. Besides his music success, people are also interested in his family life.

Chance’s wife is Kirsten Corley. She’s a young, talented businesswoman with a diverse ethnic background. The article “Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity” on explores Kirsten’s family roots. She has both African and Mexican heritage.

Read it to learn more about how Kirsten embraces her different cultures. See how she passes down the importance of cultural diversity to her kids.

Kirsten is biracial – her mom’s side is African American and her dad’s side is Mexican. Growing up, she felt like she had to choose which identity to connect with more.

But now as an adult, Kirsten appreciates both her African American and Mexican roots equally. She celebrates the traditions from both backgrounds.

Who Is Chance The Rapper's Wife? Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity
Who Is Chance The Rapper’s Wife? Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity

Who Is Chance The Rapper Wife?

Chance the Rapper’s Wife Kirsten Corley

Chance the Rapper’s real name is Chancelor Bennett. His wife is Kirsten Corley. They met when they were 9 years old in 2003 at a party. Kirsten and her friends danced to a Destiny’s Child song. Chance thought Kirsten was the prettiest girl ever but was too shy to talk to her.

They didn’t see each other again until 2012 at a film festival. They started dating when they got back to Chicago. On July 4, 2018, Chance proposed to Kirsten. They got married on March 9, 2019 in California. Celebs like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West attended.

Chance and Kirsten have two daughters – Kensli born in 2015 and Marli born in 2019. Kensli was the flower girl at their wedding. Chance postponed his tour to spend time with his new family.

Kirsten started a kids clothing business called World of BOBY in 2021. She studied psychology and fashion. Chance supported her business ideas.

Who Is Chance The Rapper Wife?
Who Is Chance The Rapper Wife?

Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity

Kirsten Corley’s Mixed Ethnicity

Kirsten Corley, Chance the Rapper’s wife, has a mixed ethnic background. Her mom’s side is African American. Her dad’s side is Mexican. So Kirsten is biracial – part African American and part Mexican.

In interviews, Kirsten talks about the importance of representation for Black children. That’s why she started her kids clothing brand World of BOBY. The brand celebrates different cultures and backgrounds.

Kirsten says growing up biracial, she felt like she had to pick which side to identify with more – Black or Mexican. But now as an adult, she appreciates both her African American and Mexican roots.

Her mixed heritage influences how she raises her daughters with Chance. In one interview, Chance said they teach their girls to love their Black culture and Mexican side too. He wants them to understand their diverse backgrounds.

Kirsten embraces being biracial. She doesn’t want to have to choose between her African American and Mexican identities. Through her clothing brand, she promotes diversity and inclusion for all kids.

Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity
Chance The Rapper Wife Ethnicity

Announced divorce in 2024

Chance the Rapper and Kirsten Corley’s Divorce in 2024

Divorce Announcement:
In April 2024, Chance the Rapper and his wife Kirsten Corley officially announced their decision to get divorced. They shared a joint statement on Instagram Stories saying they “arrived at this decision amicably and with gratitude for the time spent together.”

Reason for Divorce:
Though they didn’t give a specific reason, their statement mentioned it was “after a period of separation.” This suggests they went through a difficult time in their marriage and ultimately decided to go their separate ways.

Co-Parenting Plan:
Despite divorcing, Chance and Kirsten committed to continuing to co-parent their two daughters Kensli and Marli together. Their statement said, “God has blessed us with two beautiful daughters who we will continue to raise together.”

They also asked for privacy and respect during this transition, showing their determination to provide stability for their kids through the challenges.

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