Amy Cole Stephen Colbert and Cause Of Death
Amy Cole Stephen Colbert longtime executive assistant, has passed away at the age of 53. She was a close friend and the heart of amy Cole The Late Show production team. While hosting a recent show, Colbert suddenly choked while remembering Cole, couldn’t continue and had to leave the stage in silence. Colleagues at The Late Show wrote touching tributes to Cole – who brought joy, light and calm to the workplace.
Information about Amy Cole and her relationship with Stephen Colbert
Amy Cole Colbert was this super tight assistant and friend to Stephen Colbert, the dude who hosts The Late Show on CBS.
She’d been rolling with Colbert for like 15+ years, going all the way back to when his Comedy Central show The Colbert Report started in 2005. When he made the jump to The Late Show in 2015, Amy came along as his right-hand woman behind the scenes.
More than just fetching coffee, she was deeply involved in all the show’s production and was legit one of Colbert’s most trusted confidantes. Their bond went way beyond just work colleagues – they were straight up good friends for almost 20 years.
Amy would even pop up on camera sometimes in sketches and stuff, so she was a familiar face to the audience too. Colbert’s always spoken mad respect about her dedication, skills, and positive vibes. Dude saw her as the heart of the whole Late Show team.
With such a tight friendship and her being so vital to the show, it must’ve been a massive gut punch when Amy passed away recently at just 53 years old. Losing someone that close who you’ve worked with for so long, both professionally and personally?
Information about the cause of Amy Cole’s death
This chick had been Stephen Colbert’s right-hand lady for mad years. Amy Cole death cause started out working for him way back in 2005 on The Colbert Report at Comedy Central. When he made the move to The Late Show in 2015, Amy came through too as his executive assistant behind the scenes.
Her role was huge – she was deeply involved in all aspects of producing the show and was Colbert’s straight-up trusted homie. More than just an assistant, she was the heart and soul of the whole Late Show crew.
Their bond went way deeper than just co-workers too. Colbert and Amy had been tight for like 20 years on a personal level as well as professional. Sometimes she’d even pop up on camera doing comedy bits, showing how close they were.
So after being Colbert’s ride-or-die for almost two decades, both at work and as friends, it must’ve been a massive bummer when Amy passed away recently at only 53 years old. Losing someone that vital who’d been by your side through everything for that long.
The reaction of Stephen Colbert and colleagues
This Amy Cole situation really hit Stephen Colbert hard. During the April 1st taping of The Late Show, they put up a memorial photo of her and Colbert just straight up couldn’t keep it together.
Tell her passing as his longtime assistant and close friend for years really gutted him. The audience was confused af about what just went down, but clearly Colbert was in deep mourning over losing someone that tight to him.
A bunch of Amy’s Late Show coworkers posted tributes for her too. Writer Brian Stack called her warm, lovable, and said everyone adored her. Producer Opus Moreschi dubbed her the “shining light, joy and calm eye” amid the chaos, and shared a link to Amy’s favorite charity asking for donations. Please follow the website for more specific information!